Madison County
Health Department
24/7 573-783-2747 opt. 1
Fax 573-783-8039

Madison County Health Department is aligned with the Madison County Opioid Task Force. This service is available to anyone struggling with Opioid addictions as well as other substance abuse disorders.
Madison County Health Department also provides a safe place to drop off used needles and dispense of controlled and non-controlled medications.
The Opioid Task force collaborates with University of Missouri Extension-Madison County, Strengthening Families’ Program who provides the Substance Use prevention curriculum Botvin LifeSkills in the School district for (3-8 grade), Wise Owls (K-2) and Botvin Drug Prevention Curriculum for grades 9-12.
Madison County Health Department also provides STI/STD/Hepatitis C/HIV testing for all ages as there is a direct correlation of STI/STD’s to drug use.

573-783-2747 ext. 203