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Community Services


Cancer Road to Recovery

Madison County Health Department serves as the Road to Recover through the Head Family Cancer Fund of Madison County. Madison County citizens have additional transportation assistance for Cancer Diagnosis through this fund. 


Guidelines for the services:

  • The client must be actively receiving chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment.

  • Must be a resident of Madison County Missouri.

  • There is a form that is available at the MCHD. Obtain this form and fill it out. This may be done by the client or any individuals assisting with the care of the clients. The form must also be signed by the client's physician.

  • This form must be completed and returned to the MCHD.


Services Provided:

  • Transportation Assistance:

    • You will receive $ 400.00 per calendar year mileage reimbursement through the Head Family Cancer Fund per person per year.For any Questions or further information please contact the Madison Co. Health Dept. at 573-783-2747.

       Head Family Fund

       105 Armory St.

       Fredericktown, MO  63645

If a client is in need of nutritional supplements or lodging, contact the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345 or to reach the American Cancer Society for 24-hour 7-day a week service at 1-800-227-2345.

Adult Brain Injury Program (ABI)

The ABI Program assists Missouri residents, ages 21 to 65, who are living with a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Through service coordination, the program links individuals to resources to enable each person to obtain goals of independent living, community participation and employment. Individuals who meet financial eligibility requirements may also receive community-based rehabilitation services to help achieve identified goals. Rehabilitation services include Neuropsychological Evaluation and Consultation, Counseling, Pre-Vocational/Pre-Employment Training, Special Instruction, Supported Employment/Follow Along, and Transitional Home & Community Support. 

For more information, ABI Fact Sheet and to see if you or someone you know would be eligible and what services they could receive click here.  You can also contact Alica White at 573-783-2747 ext. 402 or cell 573-944-2351.


Emergency Preparedness

Click here for                                  more information specific to emergency preparedness.

Are you prepared for an emergency? Even though local, state and federal agencies have plans to protect the public, YOU are responsible for your own safety, even in an emergency. Families should be prepared to be on their own for 5-7 days.


1. Create a Plan

2. Create a Kit

3. Listen for Information


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