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Environmental Health Services

Food Service Establishment Inspections • Lodging Establishments • 

Well water testing • On-Site sewage services


Complaint Form.pdf

Bake Sale Restrictions.pdf

Food Prep Not Inspected Sign.pdf

Hand Washing Poster.pdf

Manual Dishwashing Procedure.pdf

Wash Your Hands.pdf

Temporary Handwashing and Dishwashing.pdf

Contact St. Francois County Health Department for Environmental Health Services for Madison County at 573-431-1947.

Environmental Health Specialists are deputized agents of the Missouri Department of Health. They perform a variety of services that impact the entire Madison County community. Often called the “invisible profession” the services provided by Environmental Health Specialists in Madison County have a positive, significant impact upon the health of our citizens by protecting the environment in which we all live. Unfortunately the work that our Environmental Specialists do on a daily basis often goes unobserved by most of the people that we serve. Madison County Health Department’s Environmental Health Program contracts with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to protect the health and welfare of the public.

Environmental Public Health Specialists:

  • Conduct sanitation inspections of food establishments, lodging facilities, taverns, caterers, grocery stores, mobile and temporary food stands and school cafeterias. Institutional facilities are inspected by request.

  • Respond to incidents in which food, drugs or cosmetics may have been compromised due to transportation accidents, fires, flooding, power outages, and natural or man-made disasters.

  • Conducts investigations in response to these disasters to determine if foods have retained appropriate temperature controls and have not been contaminated, adulterated or compromised in such a manner as to render them unfit for human consumption.

  • Respond to and investigate complaints that regard on-site sewage system failures, illegal installation of on-site sewage systems. We also respond and investigate food service complaints.

  • Sample private residential wells for the presence of bacteria and mineral content.

  • Educate the public and staff of restaurants, retail, schools, taverns, caterers, grocery stores, mobile and temporary food stands and institutions on the current Food Services Laws through numerous “Food Schools” throughout the year.

  • Are Licensed Lead Risk Assessors and Lead Inspectors. We work with the Madison County Superfund Lead Poisoning Prevention Program and the Voluntary Institutional Control Program to promote lead-safe practices in our community.

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