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Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

What Is WIC?

Women, Infants, and Children is a supplemental nutrition program which provides services to pregnant women, new mothers, infants and children up to the age of 5.

It is based on nutritional risk and income eligibility. Services that are provided

included health screening, risk assessment, nutrition education, breastfeeding

education & counseling, and referrals for health care. In Missouri WIC agencies

provide services locally to over 144,000 women, infants, and children each month.

Click here to watch video about WIC!!!!







How Do I Apply For WIC?

It’s easy! To apply for WIC call 573-783-2747 Option 4 to schedule an appointment. We have one late day available every third Thursday of the month. We also have WIC clinics at the local daycares, Head Start, and Marquand Community Center each month.


How To Make Your Wic Appointment Go Smoothly:

  • Bring Identification

  • Bring shot record for children

  • Bring proof of current household income

  • Bring proof of current household income for everyone in the household. Examples of proof of income include pay stubs for the last 30 days or a letter from an employer. If you currently receive TANF, Food Stamps, or MO Health Net, you can bring proof of your participation in that program instead of proof on household income.


Proof That You Live In Missouri:

Bring documentation of where you live. Examples include a utility bill, a postmarked piece of mail addressed to you at your address, your lease or a rent receipt from your landlord, a bank statement, bank book, checkbook, your driver license or other ID card.


Proof Of Identity:

Bring identity for everyone who will be on the WIC program. Examples include a driver’s license, birth certificate, immunization record, or other photo ID card.

If you are having problems bringing any of the above information call the WIC clinic. All information shared with WIC is confidential.


Report Fraud And Abuse Of The WIC Program

The Missouri WIC program is intended for families in need of nutritional support. WIC food and formula are to be used for the WIC participant only. It is illegal to sell, trade, donate, or give away WIC foods, formula, breast pumps, or food instruments.

WIC takes all complaints seriously and encourages the immediate reporting of any suspected instances of fraud and abuse of the WIC program. Individuals making reports may include their contact information or remain anonymous. Please provide as many details as possible and be specific.

To report suspected fraud and abuse of the Missouri WIC program, submit a completed Missouri WIC Program Fraud and Abuse Report form electronically, click on button

below to take you to the Report Fraud page.


For more information on Missouri WIC Click Picture Below:



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Missouri WIC logo - full color.png
Missouri WIC logo - full color.png
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BreastFeeding Support

The Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program provides breastfeeding education and support to the community. The Breastfeeding Peer Counselors (BFPC) teach breastfeeding classes as needed. The support group will meet quarterly and will be listed on the calendar and Facebook page. The Peer Counselors also provide one-on-one counseling and support to moms. 

Click the Loving Support picture to the left for more Breastfeeding information.


The Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program has many supplies to help breastfeeding moms. They offer manual pumps, electric double breast pumps, breast pads , etc. The electric breast pumps are available for loan through the WIC office for any county resident and WIC participants.


Madison County Health Department and WIC are proud to be


Breastfeeding Friendly worksites and facility. 


For questions or support please call the

Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Kora at:

573-783-2747 x 302 or option 4 WIC Office

For after-hours or weekend breastfeeding help, please call or text the BREASTFEEDING HELPLINE….

text/call at 573-944-2413 Cell

Click below for our Facebook page

Peer Breastfeeding Support - Madison County Fredericktown MO 

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